
Monday 16 March 2015

Terrorism, Security Issues, Corruption and their solution

These days terrorism a big problem in all over world. It hasn't affected particular community people and region, It actually affected every community and regions. It harms money, infrastructure, peacefully environment and so many things. Themselves also badly affected. I think some countries have power to make silence on this matter but not working hopefully. Because of these countries not what fully silence on this topic because of misperception that my income go down due to go down arms export by developing countries. Now I am going to share approach to handle effectively, which helps for minimising corruptions and may kind security issues. 

 *1 Identity play very big role in this. So can be handy by introduce a special type identity card it includes all information about such person like how many illegal cases, how much properties, what his bank account number it's balance,how he purchase items, income resource, everything done done by this. If any information found to be wrong then government has provision to take action against him. Data storage machine which store your information about your address for security purposes which can be easily handled by anybody to provide a police. 

 *2 Presentations to induces the people, to hate such types involvement by a well representer. Mostly the places where it involve.

 *3 Everyone foreigners also have a provision to temporary such types identity card with Visa. 

 *4 security purposes introduced some amount of cctv camera. 

 *5 Everyone government office should be fully cctv which handle by district officers and then step by step to government level and information report weekly and their time to time analysis by each level. I think it helpful to reduce corruptions. 

 #Finly I can say that this helps to minimise corruption, terrorism, security issues. Specialy rapists and currupt people identity invalid at social place, railway station like rush places. **finally best of luck for all the country ** ##special thanks to who spent his /her costly time for this ##
Any comments and suggestions referred to my accounts twitter @raygeegndec Facebook page 'blog link' Email

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