
Saturday 18 April 2015

Swachh Bharat Compaign or a drama by Mr Modi

I think Swachh Bharat Abhiyan is a drama by Prime Minister Modi for political stunt, if really he wants to on purification of river  then he works for each and every river, not particularly for The Ganga.  We very well known without taking action against the pollutants like industry, sewerage, weste by people and stack of plants, vehicles and ash we never get pollution free country. Just holding a broom for cleaning not the solution of pollution. In India these days major pollution like water pollution, air pollution are present in water and air, it badly effected the Indian metro cities. The foolishness of government shows when stablish the pollution measuring equipment before stablish any air purifier. I think people are very less responsible of pollution as compare to our government. Pollution by sewerage and weste by industry are the main pollutants of water, bathing in river by people not a major pollutants but our government working on people bathing not on sewerage, not on industry because our  government slave of corporate family. I think matter about expenditure on rally of Mr Modi paying by corporate family likely to show true by Modi behaviour for industry and land acquisition for industry.

Efforts against Water pollutants.
1)* Sewerage purifier must be require for pure water or clean water of river not for paticularly on the Ganga, I think every river should be treated equally for pure water.

2)Industry on the bank of river throwing organic and inorganic waste who are responsible for water pollution. Government should be stablish rules that waste throw in river after purification. Metallic waste not throw in river at any cost.

3)* Bathing of people and animals also polluting river but they not as indicated in 1 and 2 point. Famous bathing on different occasions and different places  should not be stopped. I think swiper for everyone famous bathing places on the basis of road swiper should be hire. People should be motivated against soap bath by presentation.

Efforts against air pollutants

1)* Smoke through industrial stack are the major pollutants of air it should be replaced by less populated areas. It should be checked what types and what amount of pollution producing by such industry, it should be minimise as possible by replacing old and more pollution producing machine by modern and new machine. Industry should be work in fixed hours.

2)Vehicles are also a major air pollutants in metro cities like Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore, Ludhiana, Varanasi, Patna etc. I think state government equaly responsible for such air pollution in cities. Vehicle should be checked by pollution test center by each vehicles in a month if required stop the of vehicle who is old and heavy pollution producing. Stop the vehicle like car and motor cycle in the rush area. It should be provision that no one metro citizens can purchase more than one car or some numbers by government.

3) Crackers on the occasion of festivals should be stopped by people. That can be possible my government, if manufacturers should be not allow to produce more crackers by some limit and license of industry.

4) waste by people should be placed at adequate area ,outside of cities and dense populated areas. Waste should be refined if possible by government. People should be motivated by government to put the waste in dust bins, or take punishable action against the guilty.
Dust bin must be covered, swiper must be work on daily basis.

If government will work on such points then Indian government able to give  pollution free Environment. I  hope  that government will take action, because i believe in being a  hopeful.

Please must share your views about my article by comments.

Prashant Yadav

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