
Sunday 19 April 2015

Indian Education System

India education system show government unwariness toward it, No one Indian present university in top 200 world ranked university. Rankings of universities is done on the basis of research paper and books by faculty and students, about 40 percentage wadage  on research and 30 percentage for books published by faculties and students. Indian government not investing and rupees for research of students and not doing it privatised to invest by companies, Indian education system is badly effected by government policy in research paper and reservation in recruitment of facilities in higher education university  institutes. I think there is no reservation in higher education.
Most of the private institutions not have barriers, what qualifications of faculties recruitmented.

Indian government can earn much revenue, only globalisation the higher education system by few changes. 

1) Thereis no reservation in higher education system for faculties recruitment, well qualified faculties should be recruitment in institutions. 

2)For research government should be investe money or allow the private company, who really deserve to do so. Insurance for research paper, then students will be work free mind without any fear and students will be able to give adequate results in researchs paper. 

3)laboratory should be world class which gives idea and guts students work very frequently on his research paper. Financial help to laboratory for new and modern equipment, which changes the equation system and rankings in top 200 universities.
4) After work on the above points, government like Modi or modified representer to motivate worldwide students to came in India for education,  which suddenly increase the  government revenue.
Any suggestions referred to
Prashant Yadav

Saturday 18 April 2015

Swachh Bharat Compaign or a drama by Mr Modi

I think Swachh Bharat Abhiyan is a drama by Prime Minister Modi for political stunt, if really he wants to on purification of river  then he works for each and every river, not particularly for The Ganga.  We very well known without taking action against the pollutants like industry, sewerage, weste by people and stack of plants, vehicles and ash we never get pollution free country. Just holding a broom for cleaning not the solution of pollution. In India these days major pollution like water pollution, air pollution are present in water and air, it badly effected the Indian metro cities. The foolishness of government shows when stablish the pollution measuring equipment before stablish any air purifier. I think people are very less responsible of pollution as compare to our government. Pollution by sewerage and weste by industry are the main pollutants of water, bathing in river by people not a major pollutants but our government working on people bathing not on sewerage, not on industry because our  government slave of corporate family. I think matter about expenditure on rally of Mr Modi paying by corporate family likely to show true by Modi behaviour for industry and land acquisition for industry.

Efforts against Water pollutants.
1)* Sewerage purifier must be require for pure water or clean water of river not for paticularly on the Ganga, I think every river should be treated equally for pure water.

2)Industry on the bank of river throwing organic and inorganic waste who are responsible for water pollution. Government should be stablish rules that waste throw in river after purification. Metallic waste not throw in river at any cost.

3)* Bathing of people and animals also polluting river but they not as indicated in 1 and 2 point. Famous bathing on different occasions and different places  should not be stopped. I think swiper for everyone famous bathing places on the basis of road swiper should be hire. People should be motivated against soap bath by presentation.

Efforts against air pollutants

1)* Smoke through industrial stack are the major pollutants of air it should be replaced by less populated areas. It should be checked what types and what amount of pollution producing by such industry, it should be minimise as possible by replacing old and more pollution producing machine by modern and new machine. Industry should be work in fixed hours.

2)Vehicles are also a major air pollutants in metro cities like Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore, Ludhiana, Varanasi, Patna etc. I think state government equaly responsible for such air pollution in cities. Vehicle should be checked by pollution test center by each vehicles in a month if required stop the of vehicle who is old and heavy pollution producing. Stop the vehicle like car and motor cycle in the rush area. It should be provision that no one metro citizens can purchase more than one car or some numbers by government.

3) Crackers on the occasion of festivals should be stopped by people. That can be possible my government, if manufacturers should be not allow to produce more crackers by some limit and license of industry.

4) waste by people should be placed at adequate area ,outside of cities and dense populated areas. Waste should be refined if possible by government. People should be motivated by government to put the waste in dust bins, or take punishable action against the guilty.
Dust bin must be covered, swiper must be work on daily basis.

If government will work on such points then Indian government able to give  pollution free Environment. I  hope  that government will take action, because i believe in being a  hopeful.

Please must share your views about my article by comments.

Prashant Yadav

Saturday 11 April 2015

Female Feticide in India

These days india and Indian are facing with a big problem like female  fatecide, which is generating sex ratio problem and becomes hideous in near future. The most of india states like Kashmir, Hariyana, Punjab, Gujrat, Maharashtra, Delhi and Bihar are facing with this problem. Which creates unmarriage and rape problem in India. It seems not only in India but also in the Pakistan, China like developing countries.

Reasons of female feticide.

1*Men mentality culture:
Every Indian wants atleast one son which force people to do female feticide. Man chauvinism also present in India DNA which play a vital role in female feticide like such problems. Most of high class family have succumb to female feticide problem, they think girl makes him down in society by being girlfriend and wife with other caste.

2*Dowry :
Dowry also force Indian to do female feticide. In India dowry also present and facing every people with such problems, which forces medium classes to do female feticide. Dowry makes people poor by high demanded dowry culture, No one wants marry without dowry.

3*Education and illiteracy:
Uneconomical education system, high class life style make people less number of children but son thinking force him to do female feticide. In lower class people illiteracy force him to do so, they think girl can't make him weather but his son can do, so they want more and more sons.

4*Government rules and regulations:
Most of the government take action against it, But unable to maintain sex ratio, because of government not work at appropriate places, where they had to worked. Government not makes rules and regulations rough for guilty. Doctor didn't not published for identification of female in womb by ultrasound technology, if doctors founded guilty they are punished by less efforts.

How to solve female feticide problem.

a) Government should be clarify there are no difference between female and male by conduct the presentation in various sectors and cities.

b) Government should be make ultrasound available only in government hospital under cctv camera surveillance with term and conditions that no report about their sex. It should not be available in private hospitals. If doctors founded guilty, take roughest rules as complete ban of doctors profession in hole life with lifetime jailed.

c) Government should makes culture dowry free to curb female feticide. Government should do financial help to medium family for marriage of girls, marriage loans for any as per required for the people and force bank to finalise easily. Start marriage insurance for female and their families. Take roughest rules against the people who found guilty of greedy.

d) Government should fee free education system for female of medium classes and lower classes upto higher secondary,  educate  people to not do female feticide.
Make presentations to change mentality of man thinking culture.

d) Rape of female also force people to do so, thus government should give rape free society. I think make  prostitution legal in India. Which gives us rape free society. Every body know it works illegally in all over lndia and indirectly government not wants take action against those people, who  involves in such prostitution.

**Finally then india maintain sex ratio otherwise it will be grow day by day in near future.
We should be hopeful that government will take action as per requirements.

Thank to all how sent his /her costly time for my article.
Please any comments
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Prashant Yadav

Wednesday 1 April 2015

High Population Density Contributed by Government.

India is 2nd largest populated country in the world after China. High population density makes barriers in development in India.
High population shows government unwariness toward it and their effect. It plays vital role in development. Due to high population density various types of problems present like per person income, poverty, per person land area, rush in railway, joblessness problem, pollution, like standard problem. It makes India largest importer of corn in near future.

Why has Indian population increased?.

1**Government unwariness and their dirty politics - Frankly we can say India congress not wants any force towards high population density because they not want make Muslim against, for vote bank. Similarly Bjp have under RSS who force prime minister to increase HINDUS. Therfore we hear various types of speech by politicians that Hindu should have atleast 4 child. Finally we say for vote bank each and every party internally not interested to take action against high population density.

2*Illiteracy in India- Due to illiteracy Indian are growing population day by day. They having no knowledge how they fulfil his children primarily requirements. How he education them. He having misunderstanding that bigness of family make them wealthiest.

3*Son wanted thinking-Son wanted thinking also make Indian high populated  country. Mostly Indian think, atleast 2 sons are making India populated. Due to this girl feticide big problem happen and also due to this sex ratio problem generated.(I will give its solutions in my next article)

4* Religion  and community problem -Hindu thinking party like BJP think that if I will take action against population growth Hindu become  minority castle. So government help to grow population internally. Those politicians makes crusade to hold vote Hindu. They are easily to promoted by prime minister these days as we have been seen.

How to solve it.
a) * Government should take action against population growth not even for paticular religion it should be for each and every community and people. Make presentations to show their bad effect. without thinking any political profit for vote bank, if you really want make in India.

2* Education for people -it must required for prevention of high population density. Make people to 
clear that there were no difference between son and daughter.

3*Free pregnancy sterilisation for medium and backwards classes must required for prevent high population density. Easily available facilities of condom, pregnancy test kits, unwanted pregnancy medicine etc.  which makes India.

#Finally then we can say India fulfill his every kind of goals. India become developed, super power, smarter, corn sufficient. Food exporter country. Solve poverty problem. Each and every people having home.

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